Leah Beeferman
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→ My solo exhibition "Cloud-Scale Uncertainties" opens at the Peeler Galleries, DePauw University, Indiana, on August 26 2024. It runs through October 13.

→ Curator Yutong Shi wrote a beautiful text about my work on the occasion of my Cloud-Scale Uncertainties exhibition. Read it here.

→ I am writing a text about weather and my work for Public Journal, Canada, out this fall.

→ Teaching at RISD 2024-25 in Digital + Media, CTC, and Experimental/Foundation Studies.

→ I gave a short talk about my work — and my interests in physics — at Brown University as part of the Physics Department's art/science event, "For the Love of Physics." Click here to watch.

→ I had two new pieces from a new body of work, "Weather of the Weather", included in Apoca..., part of the SPRING/BREAK Art Show, curated by Thomas Lail and Tara Fracalossi. Two more pieces from the series, along some photographic digital prints, were also on view as part of the Gateways into the Polycene exhibition this fall at RISD.

Three Weathers is an ongoing poster collaboration with New Information. Three descriptions of the weather. Each edition is available for 1 week only, for $25.00, as a 36x48" poster laser printed in black and white on bond paper. Ships directly to US mailing addresses.

Olli Aarni and I finished a new video work, "Soft Edge (Kopparnäs)." He did the sound and I did the visuals. We recorded our material at the same time in Kopparnäs, Finland, in June 2022. See a 1-minute excerpt here.

→ I was artist-in-residence for two weeks at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland, as part of the Climate Whirl program.

"WEATHER FORMS (RI-BAND)", a new commission from Providence Arts & Letters at Providence College Galleries, Providence, RI, is up.

→ Solo exhibition "A Warm Cold," CO-OPt Research & Projects, Lubbock, TX, Oct–Dec 2022. I gave an artist talk about/walk-through of the show which is now archived and available here.

→ I had several pieces included in "The Dissolution caus'd by Fire is in all Bodies," a group show at Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, New York. September 24–November 6, 2022. The show was reviewed by Gregory Volk for Hyperallergic.

"The Elements" was included in "Something Strange is Afoot," a group exhibition at the Helsinki Art Museum, Finland. June 17 2022–Februrary 2, 2023.

→ Watch the trailer for RAIN FOREST, my new video work, shot in 2019 in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest.

"If you show me what you know, can I tell you what I see?" with Tuukka Kaila, published by Rooftop Press, Helsinki, in 2022. You can read the full text of the book here, on Variables.

→ Solo exhibition "Weather Gestures" at Arcade on Stadium, Utah, March-May 2021.